La Rosa - regina dei fiori Queen
In my designs I try to use various kinds of flowers and not just Rose. I consider it my responsibility to suggest all sorts of flowers to my clients. But the rose remains the queen of flowers.
Rosa Fiesta
But how many brides ask me why so many florists offering the Rose. Usually to answer this question, I ask that person to name all this her favorite flower. Often the bride does not have a favorite flower. Second, I ask you to nominate at least all the flowers that he knows is a list of perhaps four flowers. Third, I ask if he remembers the flowers in the decoration that has seen recently. Whereas I can name at least 340 of flowers (and each exists in several colors) three or four clubs who could name the others are very few.
Bouquet Wedding Centerpiece
florists use the Rose for two main reasons. Roses are faithful. In any season we know the average price of this flower so it is easier to make an offer. We know that will be available and there are almost never without a product. Roses are grown in many countries of the world. The Rose is also available in many shapes, colors and scents. If you ask me a white rose have to stop and ask, "What?". Without looking at the book or internet can name at least 11 white roses and there are others. There are roses that are so similar to peonies that my customers can not see the difference. You can find the Rose as big as a tennis ball as a child's finger nails. So Rose lend themselves to many different drawing styles of decoration as does many other flowers.
Rosa Akito

suggest many types of flowers in my designs but Rose remains the queen of flowers.