Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Discover the betrayal: The traitor is discovered by the voice

Infidelity is widespread, perhaps even too much. Nearly one out of two Italian confessed to having a lover. Caution, however, should not believe those people who continue to support had not noticed anything in the couple usually something wrong, regardless. And then there are always clues. For example, men believe that women with the voice too loud to be less reliable, while the women are convinced that men with a deep tone of voice are less faithful. Even you guys are convinced it? I admit that for me is nothing new. He made the point about this theory, McMaster University (In Canada).

These researchers are the first to examine the relationship between the perceived tone of voice and infidelity. According to experts, allows us to understand the mechanisms underlying the choice of their partner. In fact, every person has the benchmarks and try not to get mixed up in unconvincing stories at the beginning.
were made to listen to a group of volunteers, some voices. "In terms of sexual strategy we found that both men and women use the tone of voice as a signal of future betrayal. In particular, believe they are brought to betray the women with a high tone and the men with a deep shade, "says Jillian O'Connor, who led the study.
Is there a scientific explanation. Men with low voices have high levels of testosterone, while women with the shrill voice is "full" diestrogeni. That's why you have these associations with adultery. That's because behind an assumption without scientific foundation lies a great truth.

Monday, March 7, 2011

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5 ways to make a happy marriage!

Most families are so 'full of friction in recent years that the data of statistics and' almost alarming. It 's a "disease" that is taking place, divorce and separation have become almost the norm nowadays. What's wrong? What 'the secret to a happy marriage?

It takes two to dance, and not 'can clap with one hand. The secret to a marriage of 'love is born from the desire to make their husbands happy his wife and vice versa. But someone has to start first, especially when things go a bit 'wrong. Here are some

simple tips on how to keep your marriage happy.

1.) Put aside your ego - It 's difficult to coexist for a long time and really' the most relationships gone bad and 'due to the involvement of' ego. If you always try to be right, and never takes into account the right to an opinion or point of view of your partner, this is' an attitude that should change. If it is not 'possible and then' inevitable that there are frictions.

2.) Keep fit - guys like girls in shape for one reason: they love the curves. Men are visual creatures and like to look slender bodies and this 'something innate in them. Thus,' when you see him look insistentemente una donna, non prenderla troppo sul personale. Invece cerca di lavorare su come mantenerti in forma. Solo perche' siete sposati, questo non vi da la licenza per essere grasse o fuori forma.

4.) Essere mogli e non madri - Cerca di essere la sua donna, piuttosto che sua madre, sempre. Non c'e' niente di meno attraente per un ragazzo che una donna "mammona".  Smetti di cercare di migliorare tuo marito e cerca di accettarlo per quello che e'.

5.) Fai uno sforzo in cucina - Gli uomini amano mangiare e si aspettano che le loro mogli siano delle grandi cuoche. Se non sei brava a cucinare, prova a migliorarti. Se sei brava inveve, prova nuove varianti e ricette su base giornaliera.

6.) Essere allegre - La felicita' e' contagiosa. Quando si e' felici e allegre, tuo marito sara' tenuto a partecipare alla tua allegria. Gli uomini trovano le donne vivaci e pimpanti molto attraenti, perche' si irradiano di energia positiva. E' anche molto femminile essere allegre.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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5 ways to discover the technological partner unfaithful!

Un tempo era l’investigatore privato; oggi è la tecnologia alla portata di tutti la nuova detective utile per scoprire se il nostro uomo ci tradisce, tecnologia che utilizziamo quotidianamente per tutt’altri motivi. Se infatti i rapporti interpersonali sono cambiati grazie a nuovi dispositivi e a realtà come i social network, allora cambiano non solo i modi per tradire, ma anche le maniere per scoprirlo.

BettyConfidential propone cinque nuovi modi per capire se il partner è infedele, cinque modi figli di questa tecnologia così diffusa oggi:

1. iscriversi a , un sito-community dove poter scovare i traditori di professione e dove poter postare foto e informazioni sul vostro ex fedifrago, in modo che non possa più colpo ferire (un’arma decisamente a doppio taglio: e se qualcuno he used only for the revenge?);

2. give the partner of a car GPS tracking device, such as those sold on trackingtheworld to track their movements without their knowledge;

3. follow their online activities, to monitor its presence on social networking sites or sites of questionable integrity, with tools like PC Pandora you can ... (if you have a boyfriend computer, this method is not recommended ...)

4. Log on to online dating sites specialize in clandestine affairs (like that of Ashley Madison ) and find out if he is registered;

5. The fifth method is really annoying, in all senses, and technology centers with internet just because you can easily receive the kit needed to run tests for sexually transmitted diseases, for example STDtextexpress you can order a complete test, to find out if your partner has contracted an illness of this kind, thus preserving their health also.

Irony aside, it is always better to prefer dialogue to subterfuges, and trust to suspicion, but as this is utopia in many cases, it is clear that there is who founded his own business on the betrayal as widespread ...

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Matrimonio Invernale

The Church Regardless of what you think, a wedding in winter can be an extraordinary event.

The cost for a wedding in winter are lower than those in summer. Many locals are ready to offer a special price during the period that they work less. The staff at the local or villa are definitely less tired, and then give you a better service with a smile. Even the bride's dress is very nice with a winter jacket, fur or cashmere Scial certainly glad that the priest who always complains about the bride's half-naked.

But the flowers ... ... even winter flowers are very beautiful. There are tulips, Amaryllis (Hippeastrum), orchids, ranunculus and freesia in all their full season. There are so many flowers that probably do not know.

Last weekend I had the pleasure of designing a winter wedding. The bride did not want roses and I tulips suggested. I ordered 500 tulips from Holland and I must say they were spectacular. We decided to use a strong color because the church was very neutral and very large.

do not allow guests to remove the decorations after the ceremony but I have removed the compositions and made small bouquets for all women present. The bride and groom and all guests were happy.

Bouquet Bride
If you have not yet set a date for your wedding I recommend you consider a date in winter ... .. and save!!

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With so many beautiful flowers,


Thursday, March 3, 2011

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HORNS NEWS: Thursday full of "horns" and people at the Carnival of Putignano

Gioved_Cornuti_2 The Academy of Corna COPLA yet to secure an appointment on Thursday with 'the most famous of our Carnival Gioved_Cornuti_1
Putignano (Ba) - The infamous Thursday horns and went on stage as every year the Carnival of Putignano and exciting entertainment to the amazement of many people who participated. The Academy of Horns, engaged in various stages of the rite from the early morning hours. At 6:30 the "call of the horned" for "Clutter" in the cloister hall and from thence in procession led, surprisingly, cappuccino and croissant at the home of the chosen year ("horny").

Gioved_Cornuti_4 Gioved_Cornuti_5 After wandering through the streets with a lot of hats adorned with horns and capes worn by many members of the group, found its natural harbor in the great Plebiscite Square, in downtown Putignano, where there were waiting for all those who wanted to undergo the first "cornutometro" shared for the occasion, the pain of the horn of the year and all his companions.

Gioved_Cornuti_6 pain immediately soothed by the Technical Academy who have made a public grubbing up of horns by the victims of betrayal with the famous "cut the horns." But the experience of wearing a nice pair of horns this time was also shared by women. In fact, a group of witty hairdresser has done to set up a station where the horns styling the girls, speaking directly about their hairstyles. Gioved_Cornuti_7

is made even more attractive to the curious exhibition, folk music played live and the simultaneous revival of "N'Dea joser" enograstronomia sotrico in the lower center. Now efforts are concentrated on the organizers of the floats parade scheduled for Sunday, March 6 at 11, enhanced by numerous other initiatives.

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How to survive the horns

The day of the cuckolded husband, the real one is on November 11, St. Martin's Day, when according to tradition was celebrated Celtic the beginning of a new year, with fairs, trading cattle, usually with horns.
A ritual that, despite its origins, is not like Umberto Bossi and his that they never included in the calendar of festivals Lega. In other words, horns s'hanno not be sanctified, at least in the North. Why, instead, it is still in Abruzzo and Lazio with parties and parades - one of the famous Roccagorga (Latina) - to celebrate, and somehow exorcise the betrayal.
LA festival on Carnival Thursday. to unite Italy under the banner of the horn, however, thinks the tradition of Carnival, the Thursday before the grand finale of Mardi Gras masks to give space betrayed by their husbands and girlfriends wives. This year, therefore, the party horns and March 3. There saint taking. And who would not have been at least once? Gone past and no vaccination is not eligible for a license. It is with pride and not even a topic of conversation with friends, unless it has been - to those who are not even here there was at least once? - The other side. The one who puts the horns, and not affected.

Survival Manual

From whatever side you want to look for them to bear it or need a survival guide. To help in some way the perfect cuckold and modern cornificatore. has prepared a small survival guide, knowing that everything is perfect. Accepted, even suggestions are welcome.
1) While you aspettatela. In the words of Maurizio Costanzo, for every woman who makes the horns there is always a man who does that and a door. An incontrovertible truth.
2) Deny the time, even the evidence. That chic is a must for those who put them becomes a moral duty for those ports.
3) Never talk. Discretion is the necessary condition of love clandestine. The secret is fascinating for those who do and those who received it is protective.
4) How do you none. The omnipotence of the traitor is a bad counselor. Like you, for you or him, depending on the circumstances, there will always be someone else. And the pain of betrayal is not universal. How is your all.

5) Do not think, therefore I am. The cornificatore not think, act. The horns, however, does not think that it is possible betrayal and peaceful lives. Perfect.
6) The word dream exists. Cornificatore gives the lover's dream. And the cuckold lives in a dream.
7) The word love does not exist. As Oscar Wilde said, a man can be happy with a woman on condition that he not be in love And this applies to everyone. Conrunuti not.
8) To whom and to whom nothing is too. Sex, sex and more sex only for the perfect lover cornificatore. No gym for the cuckold.
9) No women no cry. The Bob Marley sang, I should carve a bit 'all in memory. Horned or not.
10) Smile you're on candid camera. They always say that he is happy cuckold. And the horns hold up better with a big smile on his face. For those who practice the smile is automatic, no need to say ...

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VIP HORNS: THE COLOMBARI VERISSIMO A: "I cheated on my husband"

"At times we give in to a compliment in any more, because we are made of flesh and bones, and I sold." So Martina Colombari, interviewed by Silvia Toff, justified his betrayal in the episode of 'true, which airs today at 15:30 on Channel 5. Former Miss Italy, actress, photographer and writer now, the Colombari has just published 'Life is my autobiography that reveals a completely new side of his life and character. "After seven years of engagement Billy and I have experienced a crisis. We've put together that I was only twenty years and at 27 I was a little changed.

We were too used to each other, too caught everyone by their work and we lost control of the situation, "added the actress, referring to the brief flirtation had with Valerio Morabito, who brought her and the former Milan player to leave for a short period. "I have not been betrayed, but I cheated-Colombari-confessed, but they are forgiven" so he added "even if you would prefer not to know, if I find out I believe, however, that love for the overrun. In his case the betrayal is even served to give a breakthrough fondamentale alla storia d'amore con Costacurta. «La crisi -ha concluso l'attrice- ci è servita perchè poi ci siamo addirittura sposati ed è nato, poco dopo, nostro figlio Achille».

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HORNS NEWS: Lipstick on the collar of her? FOR HIM AND 'OK

Gli uomini sono piu' propensi a perdonare un   tradimento   quando la propria   partner is sleeping with another woman. According to a study by two researchers, one of the University 'of Texas and the other of the Lock Haven University in Pennsylvania, men are twice as likely' to 'overlook' a betrayal But if 'this is all female .
To reach these conclusions, the two scientists, Jaime C. Confer and his father Mark D. Cloud, have asked more 'than 700 college students to imagine being in a committed relationship for 3 months and then think about what they would do if betrayal by partner . In some cases, and 'was told the participants that the infidelity' and suffered 'was something the applicant, while in others,' said the treason in question was only an isolated case. Well, the answers and 'found that for students no matter how often it happened or how many people, but rather the kind of lover.

second injection men would be more 'ready to forgive infidelity' occurred a lover of the same sex 'cause they know subconsciously that any possible paternity' is not at risk. This would explain, according to the researchers, also because 'men hard to forgive a betrayal sex with another man. For women, however the reasoning and 'different. We know that the fairer sex remains more 'troubled by a betrayal ' emotional 'rather than' one sex. So why 'women accept less because they have been betrayed with another man? Second injection, infidelity 'homosexual men would lose their status as much' a betrayal with another woman. According
Lisa Diamond, an associate professor of psychology who studies sexuality 'same-sex , the issue would be another. For men see a woman in bed with another is' one thing at a Katy Perry, 'that is' very sexy . The women, imagining his own man who makes sex with another man immediately thinks that the partner is gay.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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17 - When they begin to intentionally look at or flirt with the 'opposite sex, when in the past, this was something they never did.