I Crisantemi
The Chrysanthemum in Italy is often known as the flower of the dead. It 's interesting that no other people connected with this flower the cemetery, funeral or dead. I think there are three reasons for this link here in Italy. First because it is a flower that is abundant in the month of November when many people go to graveyards to leave flowers for their loved ones. Then it is a very resistant flower with a long life severed. In order relative cost of a flower so beautiful.
Without thinking much I can say that there are at least 20 types of daisies and chrysanthemums, including chamomile and everyone is Available in 4 colors.
Membership includes crisanetmi 
I decided to break the rules and use the chrysanthemums in my designs for weddings. In particular I used the chrysanthemums in the bride's bouquet and the decorations also. I decided to break the rules and use the chrysanthemums in my designs for weddings. In particular I used the chrysanthemums in the bride's bouquet and the decorations also.
Chrysanthemums in the composition
bride's bouquet of chrysanthemums
In my shop while I was creating new ideas for designs with chrysanthemums, many customers were amazed by the beauty of this flower, della versatilità e della varietà di colori disponibile. Nel mio piccolo sto cercando di cambiare la mentalità degli italiani verso questo bel fiore.
Sfere di crisantemi rossi
Insieme possiamo disegnare un addobbo veramente speciale.
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