If you have just started to think about planning your wedding you have already made sure of ideas of how a marriage should be. "
usually mothers, aunts, sisters and friends are the best sources to flood of tips and tell them what they had done their time.
Well, you know the traditions, customs, do what is good and what is not so.
... well, my advice is: Now that you know what is in your cultural background concerning the wedding, forget it! Especially if, as I imagine for many of you, you are paying for the party.
The only exception to forget the tradition is - of course - if in this set of unwritten rules there is something to really hold.
because marriage has changed its face, is evolving towards more and more individual roads. You only want to be married - and you are, so why not emphasize this?
You can create you a customized ceremony and a feast, and even if your mother would love so see you in another context, do not give up. Marriage is yours and as such should be planned. (To give her mother a different kind of sweetener, eg. Let them prepare placemat crochet and you will see that will have enough to do to bother ;-) At the end of the reception the guests will be happy to take home a souvenir so precious! )
I do not want it long, but I would advise you preparatory to your party:
- Remember to invite people you care about. And 'bad look around and see so many unfamiliar faces. Surround yourself with friends and family who are dear to your heart.
- Try to greet everyone by turning the tables between courses and the other. Or shorten your photo session and insert your aperitif to thank everyone for coming to your wedding. Another idea (the U.S.) is to be portrayed (husband and wife together) in some photos before the ceremony instead of after. So is more time for guests - but if you believe that the groom should not see the bride before the ceremony, not very good!
- now you already know - the people have no desire to spend more time sitting. Create the possibility that people move and then you know each other through intriguing Buffet tables with no fixed patterns and groups of chairs and sofas scattered around the venue.
- At the table do not limit yourself to traditional floral arrangements. Leave room in crystals and feathers, glass, candles, petals - almost everything can be fine, just choose with taste and combine well!
- And if you have the desire to get married in a different location (on a boat on the beach, in a cellar among the barrels of wine, fresh air ...) or to go outside the parish, in another city, province or country, do it! Marriage is your (and I never tire of repeating it!) And you have every right to choose exactly what you like!
If you choose what you love more, you can not go wrong. And if you need help figuring out where to finish, to create the scenery and to handle all the details ...
- well, there are people "out there" ready to help you. They are called wedding planners and it just so happens that I myself is a person so ;-)))
Let me know what you think - e. ..
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