Bouquet della Sposa
The Bouquet The bridal bouquet is a complete reflection of the garment and the personality of the bride. Fashion dice che il bouquet deve essere sempre in linea con il vestito, al pari di scarpe e guanti.
Le Spighe E’ mia abitudine di chiedere alla sposa per una descrizione oppure una foto del suo abito. Così verifico personalmente il colore e lo stile del vestito.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Souvenir Id London Ontario
Sneak Peeks: Wedding in Tuscany - special
Gli invitati si radunano in zona piscina per la cerimonia...
L'arrivo della macchina delle spose...
Durante la cerimonia...
Parenti ed invitati salutano the newlyweds ...
Alone at last ...
The strange effect you have infrared on the water ...
- I decided to dedicate a post to the last wedding in Tuscany, because one of the photographers, D'Angelo Costanzo , has created some images for these very special children.
infrared images.
What makes the subject a little "spectrum in a good way" in the words of one degli sposi - ma che hanno un effetto notevole sotto tanti altri aspetti.
A voi il giudizio - spero che queste poche immagini possano piacervi!
La sposa a colazione con vista sulla valle...
Gli invitati si radunano in zona piscina per la cerimonia...
L'arrivo della macchina delle spose...
Durante la cerimonia...
Parenti ed invitati salutano the newlyweds ...
Alone at last ...
The strange effect you have infrared on the water ...
I find them a bit of a beauty 'disturbing, to great effect - what do you think?
altar with style!
photos in the post are the property of Costanzo and may not be reproduced or otherwise be used without the express written permission of those involved.
Get Out Bearing Metal Core Wheel
Meal Quintana fraz. Chuck Vidigulfo 0382.696229
Welcome drink and some tapas
sword chopping of meats marinated salmon pink pepper
shrimp cocktail seafood salad
Mussels fried octopus stewed wild boar with bat
fried Scallop gratin
Flan di ricotta croquettes of artichokes
Cocotte of polenta with mushrooms and zucchini gratin
Tomatoes Risotto crab and rocket penne
the scents of the garden with
saffron ravioli with basil sauce thin
Grilled fish with lemon sorbet
leg of veal on the bridge
Cotechino with lentils at midnight
panettone with mascarpone cream
selection of sparkling wines
cabaret music and fireworks
sword chopping of meats marinated salmon pink pepper
shrimp cocktail seafood salad
Mussels fried octopus stewed wild boar with bat
fried Scallop gratin
Flan di ricotta croquettes of artichokes
Cocotte of polenta with mushrooms and zucchini gratin
Tomatoes Risotto crab and rocket penne
the scents of the garden with
saffron ravioli with basil sauce thin
Grilled fish with lemon sorbet
leg of veal on the bridge
Cotechino with lentils at midnight
panettone with mascarpone cream
selection of sparkling wines
cabaret music and fireworks
Meal Quintana fraz. Chuck Vidigulfo 0382.696229
tel: 0382/696229
Exercise For Ulnar Nerve Entrapment
Natale 2010
Natale 2010
Il tagliere dei salumi
L’insalatina gamberetti e sedano
L’insalata di pollo con julienne di verdure
Il crostino con crema di noci, zola e mascarpone
L’insalata russa casereccia
Il crostone con fegatini
La bruschetta di lardo di Colonnata
Il rotolo di sfoglia al prosciutto
Le sorprese di brie
Le polpette rustiche
La polenta taragna con i chiodini
La tartina al salmone
La tartina con patè
Le frittelline alle zucchine
Il risotto con funghi porcini, castagne e bacon
Le pennette al ragù di mare
I ravioli di brasato gratinati
The capon stuffed nostrano
The lamb sausage with lentils
The hot side
panettone with mascarpone cream
The fresh and dried fruit
The cup of coffee
The digestive the house selection of wines
dell'Oltrepo Pavese
L’insalatina gamberetti e sedano
L’insalata di pollo con julienne di verdure
Il crostino con crema di noci, zola e mascarpone
L’insalata russa casereccia
Il crostone con fegatini
La bruschetta di lardo di Colonnata
Il rotolo di sfoglia al prosciutto
Le sorprese di brie
Le polpette rustiche
La polenta taragna con i chiodini
La tartina al salmone
La tartina con patè
Le frittelline alle zucchine
Il risotto con funghi porcini, castagne e bacon
Le pennette al ragù di mare
I ravioli di brasato gratinati
The capon stuffed nostrano
The lamb sausage with lentils
The hot side
panettone with mascarpone cream
The fresh and dried fruit
The cup of coffee
The digestive the house selection of wines
dell'Oltrepo Pavese
tel: 0382/696229
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Perrier Sparkling Water Is Good For You
Sneak Peeks: Tuscan Wedding - dinner
... and with lots of gadgets and gags to make fun dinner ...
- not to mention the numerous brinidi ...
A cup of American coffee is the classic accompaniment for their wedding cake, no bubbles.
- e naturalmente anche un piccolo ricordino per ognuno degli invitati.
Un matrimonio davvero unico per tanti motivi diversi, un evento che si è scolpito nella mente di sposi, invitati - e staff, un ricordo che rimarrà per sempre qualcosa di speciale...
Grazie a Maiken ed Anders - e a Merete ed Anders - Five days for these wonderful, tiring and full of enthusiasm and love. I wish you every happiness in your married life!
- and so we came to the end of the wedding day of two foreign twins ... Last post deals with the receipt and decorative choices that we have done to make this special moment at the heart of the four spouses.
With such a place, a very special evening - and photographers of the highest quality - came out absolutely delicious images. Watch only the heat that leaks out from the reception room:
With a rustic-elegant outfits that could not follow the same line, keeping the colors bearing the day: Ivory, Sand , light green and pale lilac.
Guests were able to taste the local cuisine (really GOOD! Complimentoni Silvia, Sara and Gianfalco!) and between courses and the other did everything they could to make these last moments of the wedding day special to the two pairs.
I think I counted a dozen speeches (including the right to marry one of which lasted no less than twenty minutes!) And at least five or six songs written in their honor ...
- not to mention the numerous brinidi ...
After dinner - and strictly before midnight - the couple danced the first dance together, after this is passed directly to the cut ...
... socks of two boys. Local tradition has it that when a boy courting a girl goes to her heel (slang), then with only socks on his feet. But once married his socks are cut just so that he can woo some other girl - with cut socks unfold now!
- and as one of the couple said: "I think it touched a few couples before us attend the first cut of socks - and the time after which he was cut. Very exciting! "
The party was heading toward its end - but the first was to make the cut the second cake, green in color this time with the bride's bouquet and filled with kiwi and chantilly cream. ... Beautiful and delicious
A cup of American coffee is the classic accompaniment for their wedding cake, no bubbles.
And finally in bellezza un piccolo buffet di dolci, confetti ed altre golosità da mettere negli appositi coni...
Un matrimonio davvero unico per tanti motivi diversi, un evento che si è scolpito nella mente di sposi, invitati - e staff, un ricordo che rimarrà per sempre qualcosa di speciale...
Grazie a Maiken ed Anders - e a Merete ed Anders - Five days for these wonderful, tiring and full of enthusiasm and love. I wish you every happiness in your married life!
altar with style!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
F6d4050 - N150 Ubuntu
Sneak Peeks: Tuscan Wedding - the Sneak dopocerimonia
Il gruppo era davvero molto bravo pur essendo tutti giovanissimi - e quando hanno srotolato le tre bandiere chiave, la bandiera europea, il tricolore e quella più antica del mondo (la bandiera danese) buttando per aria coriandoli bianchi e rossi - beh, persino a me è venuto un groppo in gola. Stupendo, lo spettacolo, e molto d' eravamo tutti entusiasti, sposi, invitati e personale.
...per non parlare dei fotografi che erano completamente in estasi. Continuavano a scattare foto all'impazzata e ad un certo punto have moved to a hotel room to take the best and the flag-waving procession formed the farewell tribute in this way the spouses.
Back down to earth after this time of festive joy was a little 'hard - but in the meantime the guys from the restaurant had prepared a hearty appetizer with lots of goodness (including which is a fried chicken that was a fairy tale here!) to restore both guests flag-wavers.
And just when it was time to go to the table, began to get a drizzle. So the couple and guests did not need incentives to go to the table while now fell in the evening and the time it was showing blue in all its glory.
I wait so I did - but in the meantime I updated the site (and has been a big job, but now it's worth a trip - for those who had forgotten; -)))
... So where we had arrived in the overview of the Tuscan wedding photos?
- aaah, yes, the favorite part of all. The part of the post-ceremony with the first cut of the pie - and the great surprise made the twins by parents.
But I feel you tremble - let's start from the first cut of the cake, after the laughter and hugs and kisses rite:
Here - in the colors of the bride's bouquet, beautiful, and fantastically good with whipped cream and blueberries (for the soft touch of lilac and cream) in . The bride and groom cut and then they took the first slice and are spoon-fed each other as usual.
But then something begins to happen (I state that the location was far removed from any kind of normal movement) - what is it? I see people ...
dressed ... ... ... curious folk ...
Con trombe e tamburi - ma chi sono - e soprattutto: Che cosa ci fanno qui??? Non sanno che c'è un matrimonio in corso?
...oooh, stanno arrivando proprio da noi - aaah, è un gruppo di Sbandieratori !
E da qui ha avuto inizio lo spettacolo che è stato meraviglioso! Nessuno, né degli sposi né tantomeno degli invitati, avevano mai visto un gruppo di sbandieratori all'opera e quindi i loro volti comunicavano la sorpresa e la gioia - un'esperienza davvero unica del suo genere.
Il gruppo era davvero molto bravo pur essendo tutti giovanissimi - e quando hanno srotolato le tre bandiere chiave, la bandiera europea, il tricolore e quella più antica del mondo (la bandiera danese) buttando per aria coriandoli bianchi e rossi - beh, persino a me è venuto un groppo in gola. Stupendo, lo spettacolo, e molto d' eravamo tutti entusiasti, sposi, invitati e personale.
...per non parlare dei fotografi che erano completamente in estasi. Continuavano a scattare foto all'impazzata e ad un certo punto have moved to a hotel room to take the best and the flag-waving procession formed the farewell tribute in this way the spouses.
And just when it was time to go to the table, began to get a drizzle. So the couple and guests did not need incentives to go to the table while now fell in the evening and the time it was showing blue in all its glory.
As for the reception I'll get to the next post, otherwise it gets too long.
However I can not give you a peek at some details dell'allestimento for dinner ... And with that I'll see you soon!!
Thank you for your attention - and remember our motto ...
However I can not give you a peek at some details dell'allestimento for dinner ... And with that I'll see you soon!!
Thank you for your attention - and remember our motto ...
Altar in style!
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