Monday, February 28, 2011

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Why' we are so 'many wives are unfaithful? WHY

's strange to think that when there are problems in a marriage, the blame always seems to focus first on her husband. However, there are many unfaithful wives, like most husbands are unfaithful. There are many reasons why women cheat their husbands and have an affair - often with another husband. This 'raises the question of' cause there are so many wives 'infidels'.

The absolute reason for the 'increase of' infidelity 'and wives' that women have more' contact with men outside the home. Many women work in offices or factories, and therefore are more likely 'to interact with members of the opposite sex than in the past. Once, the wife stayed home and took care of home and children. Now, there are many men who share this ruolo con le mogli che spesso sono il principale percettore di stipendio in famiglia, ma nella maggior parte dei casi entrambi i partner lavorano in posti diversi.

A seconda della natura del lavoro, ci possono essere turni di notte, incontri serali a cena ecc ecc. Ci possono essere uno o piu' uomini con cui ha contatti quotidiani o lavorano a stretto contatto con lei, e cosi' si sviluppano contatti "personali". Se ci sono piccoli problemi nel matrimonio, le mogli, possono rivolgersi a queste persone per un consiglio o avere conforto, e cosi' un rapporto inizia a svilupparsi, e fiorisce nel tempo.

Una donna che tradisce the husband can 'do it' cause she feels neglected in his spare time or when it 'home. Her husband may not even realize that she feels this way and then be really surprised that she 's been unfaithful.

Some women, just like the thrill of hunting and a sense of pleasure, they feel excited when secretly betray their husbands. They just want to feel more attractive to other men in order to feel young. 'S meeting with a different man might be very exciting for a woman who begins to feel not welcomed by his married life.

Another reason that can 'take a wife to be unfaithful and' the act of revenge against her husband for his betrayal. The old saying "An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth" comes into play when you think of being betrayed. Just as traitors to their husbands, unfaithful wives very easily hide the evidence of their infidelity '. The husband and 'often the' last to know and therefore need to recognize the signs of 'infidelity'.

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'husbands betray their wives?

21% of the interviewed men betray their wives to show that it can 'still win. They do it mainly to test their powers of seduction, after years of cohabitation, according to the website FisrtAffair.

For 19% of respondents, the third cause of infidelity 'marriage in men is a sexual frustration. These results indicate that the lack of sex during the marriage brings the 'man in search of new adventures.

11% of respondents complained of not having a stable relationship and that in reality 'and the long-term relationship' began as an adventure.

Finally, 7% of male respondents is satisfied that the loneliness explains their infidelity '. "My marriage is' a success," says a 49 year old man. "But my wife makes trips very often, and 'why I like to spend my hours of solitude with an' adventure '.

The survey' was conducted on the site FirstAffair, with about 1,000 participants.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Corna News: The report - butt pornography and infidelity

masked Pornography and homosexuality are among the causes of nullity of marriage. The court said the vicar, Monsignor Paolo Rigon, in the course of the judicial year of the Ecclesiastical Court Ligure, in the presence of the Archbishop of Genoa and president of the CEI, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco. Rigon Bishop explained that among the causes of invalidity del matrimonio vi sono la «pornografia dilagante e invadente», che «presenta la vita sessuale come puro piacere e divertimento» per cui «chi si abitua a questo stile di vita molto probabilmente non riterrà, o sarà incapace, di poter restare fedele ad una sola persona». Altro elemento di nullità, l’omosessualità, «che qualcuno spera di vincere o di mascherare con il matrimonio - ha detto monsignor Rigon - ma è una illusione», perché «non sarà possibile, in concreto, restare fedeli al coniuge».
La qualità della vita non dipende dal numero e dalla quantità delle esperienze enjoyable and rewarding excluding anything that seems a repetition heavy, tiring and boring: who said it, the archbishop of Genoa and president of the Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, at the end of the opening ceremony of the Ecclesiastical Court of the judicial region of Liguria.
"In fact - said the cardinal - is just the opposite. The different experiences are enriched only within a horizon of faith. When a person is faithful to its duties of marriage and work, then, becomes an even more enriching experience, but absolutely do not become the criterion of quality of life "
Earlier, commenting on the Report of the Judicial Vicar, Monsignor Paolo Rigon, the Cardinal said: "The cultural context in which we live, we breathe, is at the center, as is well known, the individual, his needs, with its emotions with its desires that seem to have become more and more the basis for judging the actual lives of both the individual and society that entails, rather than putting the person at the center, with its commitments to the decisions taken, the person as a key dimension of the constitutive relationship, not self referential. "

Il tribunale ecclesiastico non è una «scorciatoia rispetto all’ordinamento civile» né un modo «per evitare di assolvere i propri doveri economici e finanziari nei confronti dell’altro coniuge». Lo ha detto stamani il Vicario giudiziale del Tribunale ecclesiastico della Liguria, monsignor Paolo Rigon. «Chi presentasse difficoltà di carattere economico - ha spiegato - può servirsi del Patrono Stabile, il che significa che la causa di nullità viene a costare 500 euro» visto che «l’attività del Patrono Stabile è gratuita». Infatti, il Patrono «è un avvocato specializzato che lavora per il Tribunale Ecclesiastico, e dal medesimo riceve la ricompensa, e ha come principale compito quello di offrire gratuitamente consulenza». Sul versante economico, monsignor Rigon ha spiegato che i tribunali ecclesiali «non hanno alcuna competenza per affrontare i problemi economici fra i coniugi sposati con matrimonio concordatario, trattandosi di materia demandata totalmente al Giudice civile». Infatti, «il Tribunale Ecclesiastico chiede sempre, prima di procedere alla processo di nullità, che già sia stata sentenziata od omologata la separazione legale e siano chiariti gli aspetti economici fra le due parti o in ordine alla prole» e «la sopravvenuta dichiarazione di nullità non cambia nulla circa i doveri economici previsti dal giudice civile».
A livello diocesano, delle 100 cases of first instance came in 2010 to the Ecclesiastical Court Ligure, 46 came from Genoa, 5 from Albenga, 15 from Chiavari, 16 from La Spezia, Savona 5, 9 and 4 from Tortona from Ventimiglia. The average age of applicants is 28-29 years and are required to share in the same way men and women. The data released today by the judicial vicar, Monsignor Paolo Rigon, also shows how to call for the cancellation were mainly used (14). Followed by professionals (9), home (4), teachers (7), unemployed (4), retired (3), workers (2) and other professionals (6). Requests for revocation are found more among those who were married between two and five years.
Among the reasons why marriages are declared invalid, said Monsignor Rigon still "three grounds for nullity are predominant in our courts of first instance: the first is that concerning the psychological and neurological as well as the inability to take seriously and fulfill the essential obligations of marriage to second place to the exclusion of children from the marriage and the exclusion of third place insolubility, which is the subject of separation and divorce if things go wrong. "

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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HORNS NEWS: Betrayal, infidelity wanted Miss

The betrayal really like the Italians and beyond. Some argue that polygamy is a form of modern , I think it's somehow not wish to engage in a relationship or simply to express a lack of feeling. It is true that a fringe believes that we can feel love and be unfaithful to their partners. Meanwhile, the portal of extramarital encounters continues to collect membership and now organizes a competition to find Miss infidelity, the face of its next advertising campaign.

That's right, it takes a face of a beautiful woman unfaithful. Who will face? The site, which now has 620 000 subscribers, with France and Italy at the top (over 300 thousand for cousins \u200b\u200bacross the Alps, over 120 thousand for the Beautiful Country), has decided to hold a competition to elect the girl who will be the face the campaign of 2011.

How should this woman? Must have a strong character and expression that best represents the philosophy of the site. The location of the ceremony will be Paris, city of love par excellence, with the highest number of subscribers to the site has also become the city of infidels par excellence.

The queen will be proclaimed on March 31 and elections will take place between the first and 10th of next month. According to an Ipsos survey, 48% of Europeans considered an obstacle to the betrayal married life. In contrast, 49% believe that betrayal increases the esteem and improve relations. What can I say? Blessed are they who are convinced.

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HORNS NEWS: Bad boys, beautiful, damned e infedeli

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Who would not want to have a life of James Bond? Always on the run, surrounded by beautiful women, about a dozen films, beloved, charming, beautiful and dangerous.

personally like to spend too excited yet ... it seems that some women continue to fall despite the numerous check-test at their feet, although the psychology teaches that the bad guys are not a good match , indeed it seems that often end up behind bars for various excesses. Two recent studies suggest that women attracts evil, bastard man seduced by the charm that we already talked in the past. Bad guys have more women and create wonderful relationships with their short-term antisocial less than men, because already the bad guy is anti-social, remember that.

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CORNA NEWS: Beckham perde causa contro magazine per scoop su infedeltà

David Beckham has lost his lawsuit against the U.S. magazine In Touch, following the revelations about his extramarital affair with a prostitute. Judge Manuel Real of Los Angeles court has ruled that the news about Beckham's alleged infidelity are in the public interest for the simple fact that the England midfielder is a celebrity.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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An 'Another video in which the husband discovers his wife in bed with her lover!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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CORNA NEWS: Non soccorre l'amante, donna condannata

A woman living in a country of Frosinone, was sentenced to four months' imprisonment
, suspended sentence, for not having provided assistance to her lover suffered a heart attack while with her, was consuming a sex drive. The woman is justified in court claiming that she was afraid of the scandal: "I'm married, have two children and my husband would kill me."
The story goes back a few years ago when the police of Cassino been reported by a passerby noticed in a rural area in the Valley of the Saints a man half naked and lifeless in a car. Immediately you realize that the man died of cardiac arrest, but the fact that it was inexplicable half-naked and down on the back of the car.
This led the police to make further investigations and discovered at that place and with the man was her lover of history. The woman and then 'was tracked down yesterday and ordered by the judges of the Court of Cassino which have also imposed to compensate the victim's family.

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STORIE DI CORNA VERE: "Tradivo mio marito ogni volta che mi arrabbiavo!"

At first, when I married, everything was fine. We spent much time together but then things changed. He was always at the bar when he could be home with me and our children. For this reason we started to fight almost every night, or rather every night, when he returned home often ubriaco.Credo to have begun to betray precisely for this reason, in anger! Betrayed my husband every time he got angry with him.

I started a relationship with a nearby neighbor across that lasted several years until my husband has discovered. We then tried to put together, but that relationship ended forced to destroy ourselves even further disrupting our family.
From my experience I can say that marriage requires commitment and effort by both spouses. Cheating spouse then, is a selfish act. Better tell the truth, talk and deal with problems together rather than revenge. PM

This story 'was released here anonymously. You have been betrayed him / her? Tell us your story and share it with other readers to talk ... and talk about their experience helps them understand and learn where we went wrong.

View all stories

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Sneak Peeks: The Wedding Village

Another event that was concluded in style is our participation in the "Village of the Newlyweds," the Novi show dedicated to marriage and the bride and groom.

(Photo courtesy of Geco Solutions)

This year I decided to launch a new concept: A service "luxury included" which includes various services (catering, photographer, cars and coordination of the event) at a price very attractive.
(Who might be interested to see a deepening "Luxury Included" for more information.)

- and so we wanted a completely new concept to support this brand new born. A different feeling, ideas cry, but always with the same impression of absolute quality - in other words: The "Luxury Included" which is our forte. To you the graphic design:

(copyright by Marriage Course in )

Obviously the style of the stand I wanted to take on these guidelines, then via clear to white, black and yellow outfits, square lines and the addition of bright furnishings worthy of a loft in Milan.
This is the result:

(Photoes courtesy of Sabrina de Polo )

The undersigned does not like to be shooting a lot in work, but to serve as a model for the following image I could not help it ...

(Photo courtesy of Sabrina de Polo )

thank all the staff, Sonia, Marta, and Alessandro Gabriele for these three days special. You are a professional of the highest level and I'm honored to work with you.
A special thanks goes to Sabrina - without her I would not have launched at the fair this year and do not have known so many nice people.
So it seems right to give her a small gift photo - the photographer in question is Mr Massimo Tamiazzo which is also the copyright on the picture ...

For further information on "Weddings with Style - Luxury Included" are available.
As usual I can only add ...
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New Professional: Professional Bridal Consultant (TM) and Destination Wedding Specialists Italian

Dear friends,

I'm so sorry for having left such a long time - many chores kept me away from you but not from the world of marriage. Indeed!

I spent time looking for new places for weddings around Italy, I have documented about new industry trends and have devoted countless hours to my professional growth.

Professional Bridal Consultant (TM):
One of the innovations in this area is that in December 2010 I made a qualitative leap

- and I can say with joy, because now it's official:
I had the much hoped for qualification of " Professional Bridal Consultant (TM) " by 's Association of Bridal Consultants I am a member now running for a while' time.
As you can see the guidelines published by the association to become the path Professional Bridal Consultant (TM) is made both vocational training, or experience in the real world of the spouses. In addition, other factors are evaluated as the level to participate in the work of the association and contribution to the profession in the field of articles and seminars held by the candidate.
is important to emphasize that we can not achieve that status without training or experience in the industry - a safety feature for the bride and groom who choose a consultant ABC.

Italian Destination Wedding Specialist:

(Photo courtesy by Sabrina de Polo )

In addition to the great satisfaction
I attended a wonderful training course in Verona to become "Italian Destination Wedding Specialist", always treated by our local group of ' Association of Bridal Consultants , in collaboration with the' ABC in the United States.
After this intensive full-immersion, because of meetings with location and other professionals as well as vocational training in subjects as diverse as eg. food presentation, management of the bureaucracy, "events in the" traditions and customs and overseas to become specialists in the organization of Italian weddings for foreigners.

As you may have noticed we have already done a wedding like this, but now I will have the status - if course will pass the final exam. I'm waiting with interest the results ...
will inform you of the outcome as soon as possible!

altar with style!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Siti di incontri per coloro che sono sposati, ma vogliono piu'

Suppose you are interested in any new encounter. You are married, and do not want to give up your home life with your wife or husband, but you want to get a little 'excitement. The answer lies in the new online dating services are created only for married people.
These dating sites will give you a good opportunity to meet people like you who want a free report. E 'can browse through the profiles of people involved and see if there is' someone who interests you, without anyone knowing your identity' until they agree to meet, and perhaps not even then.

For some reason, some People become unhappy in their marriage and seek a new partner.

divorce rates continue to rise and marriages are becoming less sustainable. People are constantly exposed to new ideas, the ones that once might have seemed so 'extreme and do not even discuss that today. Many find that life and 'fallen into a boring routine and are looking for ways to make it more' fun. If sex and 'careless, a new partner can' shake things up. An 'Another important aspect of these sites and' what the members are all looking for an emotional connection with someone as they are married. Many people are now married, but I am looking for a relationship. To do this discreetly, must have a way to contact others who are in a similar situation. Internet allows this to happen between married people who are trying to start a story to meet others with the same objective.
Many have a negative view of such websites. This is' a matter of personal opinion, but everyone must realize that these sites will become very popular. The

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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San Valentino: un SMS dalla giarrettiera anti-infedeltà

From the world of football arriva il regalo più curioso per il San Valentino 2011. Si tratta di una specie di giarrettiera che i calciatori potranno regalare alle loro "wags". Questo gadget, già molto in voga in Inghilterra, ha la finalità di tranquillizzare i fidanzati incerti della fedeltà della propria partner. In un mix di tecnologia e lingerie sexy, questa "giarrettiera anti-infedeltà" incorpora un micro-chip che entrerà in azione solo in caso di stimolazione sessuale o di rimozione della stessa.

A quel punto verrà inviato un SMS di allerta direttamente al fidanzato o marito sospettoso. I primi a regalarlo pare siano stati proprio the English players who, given the frequent stories of betrayals that run in their world, not at all sure seem to feel the loyalty of their "wags". Edward and Lucinda Hale, the creators of this "chastity garter, just tell how their marriage was saved thanks to their invention. There are reports that one of the first to test the product to be a player in the Premier League, especially with no confidence in the conduct of his girlfriend at the time that was left at home alone, because he engaged in travel. The gadget will cost between € 70 and 100 and, although it is not just one of the most romantic gifts for Valentine's Day, is already proving very popular. Just think a un imprenditore che ne ha acquistate un centinaio per poterle poi regalare ai suoi clienti.

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L’infedeltà? Frutto di una predisposizione genetica

La responsabilità è solo del DRD4. L’infedeltà sarebbe tutta colpa di una banale predisposizione genetica. La notizia non solleverà certo quanti sono stati vittime di tradimenti ma almeno getta una nuova luce – scientifica – sui comportamenti di quanti sembrano avere una propensione verso nuove conquiste. Lo studio è stato effettuato dalla “State University” di New York. Dimostra che chi non riesce a rimanere fedele agisce guidato dalle sobillazioni di un gene – il DRD4 – responsabile del rilascio di dopamina e quindi della sensazione di piacere.

La “sbandata” sarebbe dunque una vera e propria dipendenza, alla stregua dell’alcol o del gioco d’azzardo, poiché il gene responsabile è lo stesso. I ricercatori hanno studiato il vissuto sessuale di 181 giovani adulti ed hanno scoperto che quelli con la variante genetica in questione erano due volte più predisposti all’infedeltà proprio a causa del sistema di piacere e ricompensa innescato dal rilascio di dopamina. Per scientifica imparzialità the same researchers have felt compelled to add that the study does not justify the infringement because not all those who have this gene are infidels.

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tradimenti a San Valentino
On 14 February the routine, 13 February passion. "About a third of Italians as a couple and their partner betrays the true lovers' holiday will not be Monday, but tomorrow." In the alternate calendar of lovers, in fact, "every year on February 13th marks the anti-Valentine's Day: the feast of the transgression, the day of secret lovers." Word of Alberto Caputo, a psychiatrist and sexologist between authors' Lousy traitor. How to recognize the traces of infidelity "(published by 80144), manual became cult 'bible of the 007 love. If Valentine's Day is a little "controlled the party the couple" says Caputo Adnkronos Salute, on the eve of February 14th is the day of truth. One in which, knowing the map of the 'ravine where to look, one discovers a parallel world made up of knowing looks, hands touching, stolen kisses. A completely different atmosphere than what you breathe the next day, between-starred restaurants and trendy clubs. Why as a man "with his wife eats a lot and speaks little, and when asked about informazioni o sposta l'attenzione sul mondo esterno - svela Alessandro Calderoni, giornalista investigativo co-autore del libro guida che insegna a smascherare i fedifraghi - con l'amante mangia poco, modula la voce e parla tanto, mettendo in gioco il mondo interno«. Ma se San Valentino è il protettore delle coppie regolari, e San Faustino tiene sotto la sua ala i cuori solitari che tradizionalmente festeggiano la loro 'singletudinè proprio il 15 febbraio, chi è il patrono dei traditori? Nel calendario secondo il rito romano riportato online su Wikipedia, il 13 febbraio si celebrano San Benigno di Todi e le Sante Fosca, Maura e Caterina dè Ricci. Anche il portale della Diocesi di Milano è allineato sui Santi Benigno, Fosca and Maura, and the site of the Italian Bishops 'Conference' saint of the day tomorrow will be Blessed Christine of Spoleto. In addition to the 'sky, however, according to the manual of the traitor table can also provide help to secret loves. First, the location must be chosen ad hoc to protect themselves from prying eyes, better organized, "a dinner in the middle of nowhere or underwear," teaches Calderoni. Turning to the menu, the watchword is "spicy food", recommends Caputo. The chili, for example, teaches the sexologist in 'Lousy traitor' releases endorphins (pleasure hormones) and vasoactive intestinal peptide, which relax the nerves and increase blood flow periferico». E se il piatto è troppo 'hot' e infiamma le labbra, come estintore «un bel bacio sarà il giusto rimedio».


Per il 53% delle italiane sarà una ricorrenza amara. I loro partner, infatti, anche nel giorno consacrato all'amore, non le sorprendono più con gesti affettuosi, sentimentalismi e romanticherie. Altro che parole sussurrate all'orecchio e proposte di matrimonio, addirittura 1 su 2 si lamenta infatti che il partner sia poco romantico, e per questo credono che il giorno degli innamorati sarà uno dei più noiosi di throughout the year. Farewell serenades from the balcony and poems that extol the beloved more and more away from the myth of the past, the Italian male seems to have forgotten all forms of affection and cuteness. These are the findings from a survey sponsored by the Easter wine vineyards and wineries, conducted on over 1,000 women aged between 18 and 55 years on the major social networks, which show a low susceptibility of men to romance even at the day dedicated to lovers. Guilty of acts of love that are confirmed and that its practice unknown in the day devoted to lovers should not miss. But how you react to the "fair sex" in the face of this lack of romance? If most Stay calm and always seeks the path of dialogue (41%), some people get angry and will not listen to reason (37%) and even those who intend to "make him pay" at the appropriate time (23%). It may happen then that is passed from words to deeds: 39% of women, in fact, confirmed that he had "had enough" to their partner because they are too unromantic.

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Infedeltà omosex? A lui dispiace meno

What's worse to know that your partner is cheating with another woman? What is cheating with a man.

According to research conducted by the University of Texas at Austin, women would be more willing to continue the story with a man who had a heterosexual relationship, that one who preferred a same-sex partners. For men, the mechanism would be the opposite: more tolerate cheating on her with a woman, who with another man.

The researchers examined the behavior of 700 college students: their task was to imagine the betrayal by a hypothetical companion or a partner, and explain how they would react imaginary partner's infidelity. Some volunteers were told that their partner had an affair with a woman other with a man, and many more that there were more episodes of infidelity. The number of betrayal was not an important factor.

But, overall, men have shown that 50 percent of cases would continue a relationship with a partner who has had a homosexual relationship, but only 22 percent with a woman who has betrayed them with another man. The women, in 28 cases out of 100 would continue the relationship with a boyfriend who had a heterosexual relationship, and only in 21 cases with a partner who has cheated on him with another man.

The explanation? The male atavistic desire to have una serie di partner, e la necessità delle donne di avere un compagno impegnato. "Il meccanismo della gelosia - spiega Jaime Confer, autore principale dello studio - si scatena negli uomini e nelle donne di fronte a diversi tipi di stimolo: per gli uomini, quelli che minacciano la paternità della prole, e per le donne, il rischio di abbandono". Secondo la ricerca, che è stata pubblicata sulla rivista   Personality and Individual Differences , il tradimento della compagna con un'altra donna potrebbe essere interpretata da un uomo come un'opportunità per accoppiarsi con più di una donna contemporaneamente.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

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email from readers, I came across a concept ... a fine line that unites many of you: "The pleasure of betrayal." Some players cheat because 'they feel a certain pleasure in doing so, and later recorded in random order some of their considerations on the so-called pleasure to betray. I suppose that human nature plays an important role in the betrayal, but a lot of people 'cause it does not break the relationship with the other person so' to escape from the stress and heartache?

L 'infidelity' depends on the person. Most of the time it betrays the pleasure sexual. Maybe you love the person you are, but you are not 'satisfied sexually. I think the betrayal, you can 'be compared to stealing. When people steal get an adrenaline rush, to betray 's very similar to this. The pleasure lies in the thought of if when they are discovered.

Even those who have never cheated, saying that would betray the "things" interesting. It 's a challenge to bluff people and I think people love a challenge. I know that I love challenges. If I were interested in two different guys and one of them falls to my feet as with the 'else should I play a game a bit' more difficult, I would be probably more 'interested in the second. You could call it the thrill of the hunt! Very of what 'we do has to do with the' emotion el 'excitement in it. If one thing and 'hard to do, we feel victorious if we can do it.

I think people cheat because 'I am looking for something that you do not get with their partners. Does it make sense? A person could have a good relationship with your partner, but became complacent and people are looking for some thrill of adventure or something like that. Or a person can 'have a higher sex drive than their partner and go somewhere else to meet those needs'. Could be a million things as to why 'the betrays people, everything depends on the people involved. Every relationship is different.

Most people say they are wrong to cheat and if you want to be with someone else then you have to break with your partner. You can do this' that you want. But the question is, 'cause is betrayed? It 's the thrill? and 'inattention? retaliation ?.... What do you say?