Saturday, February 12, 2011

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tradimenti a San Valentino
On 14 February the routine, 13 February passion. "About a third of Italians as a couple and their partner betrays the true lovers' holiday will not be Monday, but tomorrow." In the alternate calendar of lovers, in fact, "every year on February 13th marks the anti-Valentine's Day: the feast of the transgression, the day of secret lovers." Word of Alberto Caputo, a psychiatrist and sexologist between authors' Lousy traitor. How to recognize the traces of infidelity "(published by 80144), manual became cult 'bible of the 007 love. If Valentine's Day is a little "controlled the party the couple" says Caputo Adnkronos Salute, on the eve of February 14th is the day of truth. One in which, knowing the map of the 'ravine where to look, one discovers a parallel world made up of knowing looks, hands touching, stolen kisses. A completely different atmosphere than what you breathe the next day, between-starred restaurants and trendy clubs. Why as a man "with his wife eats a lot and speaks little, and when asked about informazioni o sposta l'attenzione sul mondo esterno - svela Alessandro Calderoni, giornalista investigativo co-autore del libro guida che insegna a smascherare i fedifraghi - con l'amante mangia poco, modula la voce e parla tanto, mettendo in gioco il mondo interno«. Ma se San Valentino è il protettore delle coppie regolari, e San Faustino tiene sotto la sua ala i cuori solitari che tradizionalmente festeggiano la loro 'singletudinè proprio il 15 febbraio, chi è il patrono dei traditori? Nel calendario secondo il rito romano riportato online su Wikipedia, il 13 febbraio si celebrano San Benigno di Todi e le Sante Fosca, Maura e Caterina dè Ricci. Anche il portale della Diocesi di Milano è allineato sui Santi Benigno, Fosca and Maura, and the site of the Italian Bishops 'Conference' saint of the day tomorrow will be Blessed Christine of Spoleto. In addition to the 'sky, however, according to the manual of the traitor table can also provide help to secret loves. First, the location must be chosen ad hoc to protect themselves from prying eyes, better organized, "a dinner in the middle of nowhere or underwear," teaches Calderoni. Turning to the menu, the watchword is "spicy food", recommends Caputo. The chili, for example, teaches the sexologist in 'Lousy traitor' releases endorphins (pleasure hormones) and vasoactive intestinal peptide, which relax the nerves and increase blood flow periferico». E se il piatto è troppo 'hot' e infiamma le labbra, come estintore «un bel bacio sarà il giusto rimedio».


Per il 53% delle italiane sarà una ricorrenza amara. I loro partner, infatti, anche nel giorno consacrato all'amore, non le sorprendono più con gesti affettuosi, sentimentalismi e romanticherie. Altro che parole sussurrate all'orecchio e proposte di matrimonio, addirittura 1 su 2 si lamenta infatti che il partner sia poco romantico, e per questo credono che il giorno degli innamorati sarà uno dei più noiosi di throughout the year. Farewell serenades from the balcony and poems that extol the beloved more and more away from the myth of the past, the Italian male seems to have forgotten all forms of affection and cuteness. These are the findings from a survey sponsored by the Easter wine vineyards and wineries, conducted on over 1,000 women aged between 18 and 55 years on the major social networks, which show a low susceptibility of men to romance even at the day dedicated to lovers. Guilty of acts of love that are confirmed and that its practice unknown in the day devoted to lovers should not miss. But how you react to the "fair sex" in the face of this lack of romance? If most Stay calm and always seeks the path of dialogue (41%), some people get angry and will not listen to reason (37%) and even those who intend to "make him pay" at the appropriate time (23%). It may happen then that is passed from words to deeds: 39% of women, in fact, confirmed that he had "had enough" to their partner because they are too unromantic.


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