Saturday, February 12, 2011

Does Dahvie Vanity Like Fat Chicks

Infedeltà omosex? A lui dispiace meno

What's worse to know that your partner is cheating with another woman? What is cheating with a man.

According to research conducted by the University of Texas at Austin, women would be more willing to continue the story with a man who had a heterosexual relationship, that one who preferred a same-sex partners. For men, the mechanism would be the opposite: more tolerate cheating on her with a woman, who with another man.

The researchers examined the behavior of 700 college students: their task was to imagine the betrayal by a hypothetical companion or a partner, and explain how they would react imaginary partner's infidelity. Some volunteers were told that their partner had an affair with a woman other with a man, and many more that there were more episodes of infidelity. The number of betrayal was not an important factor.

But, overall, men have shown that 50 percent of cases would continue a relationship with a partner who has had a homosexual relationship, but only 22 percent with a woman who has betrayed them with another man. The women, in 28 cases out of 100 would continue the relationship with a boyfriend who had a heterosexual relationship, and only in 21 cases with a partner who has cheated on him with another man.

The explanation? The male atavistic desire to have una serie di partner, e la necessità delle donne di avere un compagno impegnato. "Il meccanismo della gelosia - spiega Jaime Confer, autore principale dello studio - si scatena negli uomini e nelle donne di fronte a diversi tipi di stimolo: per gli uomini, quelli che minacciano la paternità della prole, e per le donne, il rischio di abbandono". Secondo la ricerca, che è stata pubblicata sulla rivista   Personality and Individual Differences , il tradimento della compagna con un'altra donna potrebbe essere interpretata da un uomo come un'opportunità per accoppiarsi con più di una donna contemporaneamente.


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