Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sample Welcome Greeting Word

Discover the betrayal: The traitor is discovered by the voice

Infidelity is widespread, perhaps even too much. Nearly one out of two Italian confessed to having a lover. Caution, however, should not believe those people who continue to support had not noticed anything in the couple usually something wrong, regardless. And then there are always clues. For example, men believe that women with the voice too loud to be less reliable, while the women are convinced that men with a deep tone of voice are less faithful. Even you guys are convinced it? I admit that for me is nothing new. He made the point about this theory, McMaster University (In Canada).

These researchers are the first to examine the relationship between the perceived tone of voice and infidelity. According to experts, allows us to understand the mechanisms underlying the choice of their partner. In fact, every person has the benchmarks and try not to get mixed up in unconvincing stories at the beginning.
were made to listen to a group of volunteers, some voices. "In terms of sexual strategy we found that both men and women use the tone of voice as a signal of future betrayal. In particular, believe they are brought to betray the women with a high tone and the men with a deep shade, "says Jillian O'Connor, who led the study.
Is there a scientific explanation. Men with low voices have high levels of testosterone, while women with the shrill voice is "full" diestrogeni. That's why you have these associations with adultery. That's because behind an assumption without scientific foundation lies a great truth.

Monday, March 7, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Change Ur Last Name

5 ways to make a happy marriage!

Most families are so 'full of friction in recent years that the data of statistics and' almost alarming. It 's a "disease" that is taking place, divorce and separation have become almost the norm nowadays. What's wrong? What 'the secret to a happy marriage?

It takes two to dance, and not 'can clap with one hand. The secret to a marriage of 'love is born from the desire to make their husbands happy his wife and vice versa. But someone has to start first, especially when things go a bit 'wrong. Here are some

simple tips on how to keep your marriage happy.

1.) Put aside your ego - It 's difficult to coexist for a long time and really' the most relationships gone bad and 'due to the involvement of' ego. If you always try to be right, and never takes into account the right to an opinion or point of view of your partner, this is' an attitude that should change. If it is not 'possible and then' inevitable that there are frictions.

2.) Keep fit - guys like girls in shape for one reason: they love the curves. Men are visual creatures and like to look slender bodies and this 'something innate in them. Thus,' when you see him look insistentemente una donna, non prenderla troppo sul personale. Invece cerca di lavorare su come mantenerti in forma. Solo perche' siete sposati, questo non vi da la licenza per essere grasse o fuori forma.

4.) Essere mogli e non madri - Cerca di essere la sua donna, piuttosto che sua madre, sempre. Non c'e' niente di meno attraente per un ragazzo che una donna "mammona".  Smetti di cercare di migliorare tuo marito e cerca di accettarlo per quello che e'.

5.) Fai uno sforzo in cucina - Gli uomini amano mangiare e si aspettano che le loro mogli siano delle grandi cuoche. Se non sei brava a cucinare, prova a migliorarti. Se sei brava inveve, prova nuove varianti e ricette su base giornaliera.

6.) Essere allegre - La felicita' e' contagiosa. Quando si e' felici e allegre, tuo marito sara' tenuto a partecipare alla tua allegria. Gli uomini trovano le donne vivaci e pimpanti molto attraenti, perche' si irradiano di energia positiva. E' anche molto femminile essere allegre.