BettyConfidential propone cinque nuovi modi per capire se il partner è infedele, cinque modi figli di questa tecnologia così diffusa oggi:
1. iscriversi a CheaterAlert.com , un sito-community dove poter scovare i traditori di professione e dove poter postare foto e informazioni sul vostro ex fedifrago, in modo che non possa più colpo ferire (un’arma decisamente a doppio taglio: e se qualcuno he used only for the revenge?);
2. give the partner of a car GPS tracking device, such as those sold on trackingtheworld to track their movements without their knowledge;
3. follow their online activities, to monitor its presence on social networking sites or sites of questionable integrity, with tools like PC Pandora you can ... (if you have a boyfriend computer, this method is not recommended ...)
4. Log on to online dating sites specialize in clandestine affairs (like that of Ashley Madison ) and find out if he is registered;
Irony aside, it is always better to prefer dialogue to subterfuges, and trust to suspicion, but as this is utopia in many cases, it is clear that there is who founded his own business on the betrayal as widespread ...
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