These researchers are the first to examine the relationship between the perceived tone of voice and infidelity. According to experts, allows us to understand the mechanisms underlying the choice of their partner. In fact, every person has the benchmarks and try not to get mixed up in unconvincing stories at the beginning.
were made to listen to a group of volunteers, some voices. "In terms of sexual strategy we found that both men and women use the tone of voice as a signal of future betrayal. In particular, believe they are brought to betray the women with a high tone and the men with a deep shade, "says Jillian O'Connor, who led the study.
Is there a scientific explanation. Men with low voices have high levels of testosterone, while women with the shrill voice is "full" diestrogeni. That's why you have these associations with adultery. That's because behind an assumption without scientific foundation lies a great truth.
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