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VIP HORNS: THE COLOMBARI VERISSIMO A: "I cheated on my husband"
"At times we give in to a compliment in any more, because we are made of flesh and bones, and I sold." So Martina Colombari, interviewed by Silvia Toff, justified his betrayal in the episode of 'true, which airs today at 15:30 on Channel 5. Former Miss Italy, actress, photographer and writer now, the Colombari has just published 'Life is my autobiography that reveals a completely new side of his life and character. "After seven years of engagement Billy and I have experienced a crisis. We've put together that I was only twenty years and at 27 I was a little changed. We were too used to each other, too caught everyone by their work and we lost control of the situation, "added the actress, referring to the brief flirtation had with Valerio Morabito, who brought her and the former Milan player to leave for a short period. "I have not been betrayed, but I cheated-Colombari-confessed, but they are forgiven" so he added "even if you would prefer not to know, if I find out I believe, however, that love for the overrun. In his case the betrayal is even served to give a breakthrough fondamentale alla storia d'amore con Costacurta. «La crisi -ha concluso l'attrice- ci è servita perchè poi ci siamo addirittura sposati ed è nato, poco dopo, nostro figlio Achille».
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