The day of the cuckolded husband, the real one is on November 11, St. Martin's Day, when according to tradition was celebrated Celtic the beginning of a new year, with fairs, trading cattle, usually with horns.
A ritual that, despite its origins, is not like Umberto Bossi and his that they never included in the calendar of festivals Lega. In other words, horns s'hanno not be sanctified, at least in the North. Why, instead, it is still in Abruzzo and Lazio with parties and parades - one of the famous Roccagorga (Latina) - to celebrate, and somehow exorcise the betrayal.
LA festival on Carnival Thursday. to unite Italy under the banner of the horn, however, thinks the tradition of Carnival, the Thursday before the grand finale of Mardi Gras masks to give space betrayed by their husbands and girlfriends wives. This year, therefore, the party horns and March 3. There saint taking. And who would not have been at least once? Gone past and no vaccination is not eligible for a license. It is with pride and not even a topic of conversation with friends, unless it has been - to those who are not even here there was at least once? - The other side. The one who puts the horns, and not affected.
A ritual that, despite its origins, is not like Umberto Bossi and his that they never included in the calendar of festivals Lega. In other words, horns s'hanno not be sanctified, at least in the North. Why, instead, it is still in Abruzzo and Lazio with parties and parades - one of the famous Roccagorga (Latina) - to celebrate, and somehow exorcise the betrayal.
LA festival on Carnival Thursday. to unite Italy under the banner of the horn, however, thinks the tradition of Carnival, the Thursday before the grand finale of Mardi Gras masks to give space betrayed by their husbands and girlfriends wives. This year, therefore, the party horns and March 3. There saint taking. And who would not have been at least once? Gone past and no vaccination is not eligible for a license. It is with pride and not even a topic of conversation with friends, unless it has been - to those who are not even here there was at least once? - The other side. The one who puts the horns, and not affected.
Survival Manual
From whatever side you want to look for them to bear it or need a survival guide. To help in some way the perfect cuckold and modern cornificatore. Lettera43.it has prepared a small survival guide, knowing that everything is perfect. Accepted, even suggestions are welcome.
1) While you aspettatela. In the words of Maurizio Costanzo, for every woman who makes the horns there is always a man who does that and a door. An incontrovertible truth.
2) Deny the time, even the evidence. That chic is a must for those who put them becomes a moral duty for those ports.
4) How do you none. The omnipotence of the traitor is a bad counselor. Like you, for you or him, depending on the circumstances, there will always be someone else. And the pain of betrayal is not universal. How is your all.
6) The word dream exists. Cornificatore gives the lover's dream. And the cuckold lives in a dream.
7) The word love does not exist. As Oscar Wilde said, a man can be happy with a woman on condition that he not be in love And this applies to everyone. Conrunuti not.
8) To whom and to whom nothing is too. Sex, sex and more sex only for the perfect lover cornificatore. No gym for the cuckold.
9) No women no cry. The Bob Marley sang, I should carve a bit 'all in memory. Horned or not.
10) Smile you're on candid camera. They always say that he is happy cuckold. And the horns hold up better with a big smile on his face. For those who practice the smile is automatic, no need to say ...
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